So – how many Ho family members does it take to use a circular saw on a toilet seat?
Trick question, you say?? Oh, Let us count the family.
Ok, so here’s the story. Auntie Daisy has a toilet that just fits under the bathroom counter edge. HOWEVER, the lid of the toilet won’t stay up because the toilet seat is taller than the counter edge. During our family get together this June, it was decided that the best idea was to use Uncle Tom’s circular saw to chop off the top edge of the toilet seat edge. Peter had to carry around the toilet seat to dinner and afterwards (poor guy), and then there was the requisite “find me a better power cord”, at which point Margaret and I retreated upstairs to find something else to do while the men went to work.
End of the story? The toilet seat seems to be working according to its new specifications quite nicely. Our family can really get things done when we want to, even if it does take half of us to operate the circular saw.